Man in Gray T-shirt and Black Shorts Running

Running in the morning has many benefits, but most people don’t actually know why they should do it. If you’re wondering whether you should start running in the morning, the following articles will explain why it’s so beneficial and how you can do it safely and easily.

1) Burn More Calories

According to various sources, research shows that aerobic exercise like running can help a person burn between 200-400 calories every hour! This is great for those who want to try to lose weight and keep their heart healthy. 

The benefits of cardiovascular exercise go beyond just burning calories though it has been shown to reduce risk of chronic diseases like diabetes, improve insulin sensitivity, and reduce blood pressure. 

These factors all make it important to start exercising early in the morning. Not only will you be able to better enjoy your day, but you will also be helping your body get stronger as well.

 Plus, it’s more likely you will stay committed if you are starting your day with an activity instead of waiting until after work when your energy levels are already drained.

2) Become More Flexible

Stretch muscles before and after you start running. Make sure you have properly fitting clothes and shoes to avoid injuries. 

Work with a coach, trainer, or mentor to get your form down pat. Set achievable goals for yourself so that you stay motivated throughout your journey. 

Consider taking up another sport if you would like to take some time off from running and give your body a break as well.

 If you’re trying to lose weight by running, make sure that you are doing it at a comfortable pace. 

To achieve your goal of burning fat, make sure you’re running for a minimum of 20 minutes so that your body is given ample time to burn through calories and to begin sweating. 

It also helps if you run on an empty stomach since your body will have all its energy focused on burning fat instead of digesting food. 

Try running in a more spacious area and don’t forget to listen to music! Listen to slow-paced songs with lyrics or choose upbeat tunes with a steady beat—music can help improve your stamina and overall mood while exercising. 

Remember to keep hydrated throughout your entire workout, both before and after each run.

3) Get Leaner

Running helps strengthen your muscles, boosts your heart rate and keeps you slim. Plus, running also improves your mood and will help you stay motivated to be active all day long. Here are five more reasons why starting your day with a run is worth it. 

a) Easy to Fit Into Your Schedule: It's really easy to squeeze in a quick 10-minute workout at any time of the day.

 Get up ten minutes earlier and do it right before breakfast! If you have trouble waking up for anything else (such as work or school), then that should be an easy way to start each morning off right!

 b) Warm Up Your Muscles and Joints: There are certain exercises that should be performed with a loose, warm muscle. They're better for mobility, circulation and prevent injury. Not only does your body get warmed up from running, but it also gets loosened up! It's a great way to reduce tightness.

 Not only will you feel less stiff throughout your day when you run first thing in the morning, but if you ever get injured from an accident or sport later down your road then your running can help speed up your recovery time by keeping all of those muscles mobile.

 c) Know How Far You've Gone And How Far You Have To Go: One of the best things about a GPS watch is that you can know exactly how far you've gone without relying on estimations. No matter what time of day it is, just hop out your front door and onto the street.

 A 10-minute jog around the block won't take much effort, and might even make you want to jog longer after realizing how quickly it goes by!

 d) Keep Pace All Day Long: Once your brain knows what pace feels like while running (even if it's just in short spurts!), it'll come back to remind you every time you walk somewhere throughout the day - which will likely slow down over time.

4) Get Fitter

Running is an exercise that almost anyone can do. All you need is a little motivation and a pair of running shoes.

 It doesn't matter how fast or slow you go, just as long as you're moving your body. Plus, if you wake up early to run, it'll get your metabolism fired up for the day and make those calories easier to burn!

 In fact, a 2010 study published in Diabetes Care showed that people who jogged on an empty stomach burned 300 more calories per day than those who hadn't exercised at all. Another reason to get your feet moving first thing:

 It'll help regulate your blood sugar throughout the day. Skipping a meal can cause blood glucose levels to drop, says Robert Bonakdar, M.D., a cardiologist at Baylor Medical Center at Dallas.

 Finally, early-morning workouts can help you avoid injuries. When your body is still waking up, it's more vulnerable to strains and pulls from high-impact exercises like running, according to a 2014 review published in Sports Medicine . 

So don't hit the pavement when you're exhausted; go for a brisk walk instead. Once you've had some time to wake up, then you can start your running routine.

Once you’ve had some time to wake up - Second Paragraph: As for how long that takes, individual physiology varies greatly, says Stuart Binder, M.D., cardiologist at Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute in Los Angeles and coauthor of Beat Sugar Addiction Now!

5) Meet New People

Running also gives you a lot of opportunities to meet new people.

 There are runners, many of whom are more than happy to strike up a conversation with other people they see at the same time. 

Plus, running groups are more common now and there's likely one not too far from your neighborhood. This can be a great way to meet new friends who enjoy activities outside of work, like you do. 

And these new friendships can help you when it comes to weight loss, because getting some extra support is always helpful! 

Research has shown that those who were helped by their social network were more successful at losing weight and keeping it off. So make sure to chat with everyone you see on your morning run so that you can reap all the benefits of exercise!

 Exercise also releases endorphins, which are chemicals that can make you feel happier and reduce your stress levels. 

It’s one of many reasons why exercise is so effective at helping people lose weight and be happier. 

In fact, people who participate in regular physical activity have been shown to have higher self-esteem, lower stress levels and better coping skills when compared to their sedentary counterparts. 

So while running might be your favorite way to exercise now, you may end up enjoying other kinds of physical activity more as you meet new friends!

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